History of the area
This area of Auckland has a rich history which is very relevant today, as we strive to preserve the historical character of the area. We try here to give a brief history along with some photos which are from the Auckland Public Library collection.
Maori Settlement 1200 – 1700
The Maungawhau Pa was possibly built as early as 1200AD. The area from the mountain down almost to Dominion road was a closely populated area with an estimated population of 3000.
The main weakness of the Pa was the lack of a water source on the mountain itself. This was ultimately the downfall of the Pa. The Pa was destroyed in 1700, after which a tapu was placed on the mountain.
Early European Settlement 1840
In the early 1840’s Mt Eden was subdivided into 74 allotments along the main roads of Dominion, Mount Eden, and Normanby.
These were auctioned as Crown Grants, and were mostly 27 – 36 acres. After the auctions most of the land was resold within a short peiod, some of the land having been bought by land speculators.
1840 – 1880
Up until the 1870’s the area was predominantly farming. In 1868 the Mt Eden Highway Board was formed – the forerunner to the Mt Eden Borough Council. During the 1870’s many allotments were subdivided, with many of today’s roads being dedicated.
The first school in Mt Eden, at the corner of Mt Eden and Valley Rd, was opened in 1887. In 1879 the school shifted to its current site in Valley Rd.
During the 1880’s many residential sized allotments were created in the northern part of the area. Edmund Bell subdivided two allotments creating 41 sections, and dedicated the following roads: Raleigh; Bellwood; Marlborough; Cromwell; and Taupata.
In 1885 Charles Paice put in King Edward, Paice, Elizabeth, and Tanekaha. Also in 1885 the areas first Post Office was established at the corner of View Rd and Dominion Rd.
In 1886 Henry Hirst created 58 sections along Burnley Terrace.
In 1889 Gas lighting was provided on the roads.
1902 Electric Trams operate in the area.
1906 Mt Eden Bourough Council formed.
Subdivision of allotments in the south of the area continues.
End of farming in the area.
Trams have operated in this area since the early 1900’s. Some of the following photos were taken from a book “Around Auckland by Tram in the 1950s” by Graham Stewart.
We are grateful to Mr Stewart for allowing us to use these photos.

Mount Eden Borough Council .
The Changing Face of Mt Eden 1989
Mount Eden Borough Council, Brent Mc Alister.
From Farms to Flats 1983
Mount Eden Borough Council, Hugh Oliver.
Land Ownership and Subdivision in Mount Eden 1840-1930 (1982)
Mount Eden Borough Council, E.C.Franklin.
Mount Eden’s First Hundred Years 1956
Grantham House Publishing, Graham Stewart
Around Auckland by Tram in the 1950’s
Auckland Council GeoMaps