Eden Park – Concerts variation
Another “variation” in a string of variations that we’ve seen since EPTB gained concert consent approval in early 2021.
A consent variation was approved by Council in December 2023 which now allows Eden Park to host 6 concerts in a calendar year rather than 6 concerts over a 12-month period. Note that this application was processed on a non-notified basis, so the public was unable to submit any feedback.
Six concerts in a calendar year allows the EPTB to host more concerts during the summer period (November – March), causing additional impacts for local residents just when outdoor living and activity is at its peak.
Council-owned Mt Smart and Western Springs stadia have consent approval to host 6 concerts (called High Special Noise Events) over a 12-month period, not a calendar year which potentially puts both at a dis-advantage when it comes to hosting concerts over the busy summer period.
Here’s a break-down of the conditions for Western Springs and Mt Smart.
BTW, the same applies to North Harbour stadium.

Question is: Why should Eden Park – the stadium in the worst position for this type of event – be treated so preferably? Where is the rational?