
Auckland Unitary Plan – Plan Change 78

The government has indicated the city-wide intensification 3 storey zones ie MDRS (Medium Density Residential Standards), will not be compulsory for councils if they have adequate growth zoned already.
However, there is confusion, as this legislation has not been finalised, while the hearing Panel for Plan Change 78 is currently continuing. Council has urgently requested the ability to put the hearing process on hold.
More information here:

For this area, this is extremely important as there was no proposed specific zoning for people to submit on, as the area along the Light Rail corridor was excluded by Council.
With the government now canceling that project, it’s unclear what zoning may be applied around here, and whether changes can be snuck through under the current plan change, as many submissions wanting greater intensification ignored the fact the light rail corridor was out of the scope of the plan change, and requested much greater intensification be provided.
Another media summary of the issue:

We will update as soon as we have further information.